I'm a Medium, I can connect with your loved ones who have crossed over.

My Psychic Journey

Mediumship came naturally to me. Growing up, I always found what I needed at each stage. My gift for mediumship first started to appear in my twenties when I would simply know things.

Eventually I asked God for help and, bit by bit, the pieces started to fall into place. The right books and the right people came into my life to help me in my journey. As I gained confidence, I started doing readings for people.

Inspiring Quotes


My time with Clairvoyant Kim was absolutely m ind-blowing. I would highly recommend her to anyone.  She helped me in ways no one has before me.  Thank you for sharing this life changing gift with me.

Vanessa Swancar

My experience with meeting Clairvoyant Kim can only be described as life changing.  Not just the experience which was amazing in and of itself but the messages she delivered from so many loned ones.  And it wasn;t just for that hour that we were together but it has continued to be a part of my everyday life.  She gave me the ability to open up my heart and mind to the fact that these people are always ith me and giving me messages daily.  I was open and receptive to accept that this was possible which would never habve happened had I not met with Kim.  I will be forever grateful and thankful for her gift.

Carol Ritchie

Contact Kim

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