Famous People I have Channeled and Their Cool Stories

Clyde Barrow

(Bonnie & Clyde)

I read for a second cousin of Clyde Barrow He came through briefly Showed himself as a criminal Very Cool !

Lucy Maud Montgomery

(Ann of Green Gables Author)

I read for her the Great Great Niece of Lucy She was named Anne after her books !

Christopher Reeve


The first superman was filmed in Calgary!
A good friend came in for a reading

Lizzie Borden

(Axe Murderer)

I spent the night and slept in the room where the step mother was “hacked to death”

Sir Winston Churchill

I visited a home in Calgary of 2 lovely gentleman Throughout the reading, I kept picking up on Winston Churchill??

I finally asked the men why do I feel Winston Churchill is here??

One gentleman asked” What did you say?”

He said he was a huge fan of Churchill and he was in possession of 7 hand written letters of Sir Winston’s and he had been reading them that very day!!

Super Cool

Ernest Shackleton

(British Explorer)

I read his second cousin!

Terry Fox

(Canadian Hero)

I read for a girl whom survived cancer and won an award at her school!

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